Skateboard deck guide – shape and size
Choosing the right skateboard deck can seem confusing, as there are so many options to choose from. That’s why we’ve compiled this little skateboard size guide to help you along the way.
Choosing the Type of Skateboard Deck
Street Skateboard Deck
Twin-Tip is the standard shape for street skateboarding. This means that the nose and tail have roughly the same shape, so you can easily skate switch. When it comes to skateboard decks, this so-called “Popsicle Shape” has been the standard for years.

Old School Skateboard Deck
Skateboard decks for pools and bowls are almost always slightly wider. Often the deck has a width of 8.25 ”, but besides the size, old School skateboard decks are also not symmetrical in each end and also have a flatter concave.

Skateboard Size
The deciding factor in choosing a good skateboard deck is usually the width. But beginners, in particular, may have difficulty choosing the perfect deck width. If you are not sure which width is best for you, your shoe size and height are good indicators. By trying different sizes and getting a feel for your skateboard, you can decide what is most comfortable for you. We have put together a few recommendations for you to make the choice a little easier.
Shoe Size
The size of your feet is often a pretty good indicator of your board size.
- Shoe size US 4 = 7.5″ – 7.875″ Deck width
- Shoe size US 8 = 8.00″ – 8.25″ Deck width
- Shoe size US 12 = 8.375″ – 8.625″ Deck width
Skateboard Concave
The concave refers to the longitudinal curvature of the deck. The higher this curvature, the more pressure you can put on the edges of your deck, which improves control and allows you to flip your skateboard more easily. Normally a distinction is made between low, medium or high concave. We recommend beginners to start with a medium concave skateboard deck.

Any Questions?
We hope you enjoyed our skateboard size guide.
If you have any questions or comments, feel free to write in the comments below, send us an email on, or call us up on +45 42753039